THEMATIC BACKGROUND from: Easter Sunrise Service - Year A
The following is not simply a closing for the brief reflection found in
the above named resource - it is an alternative to how that reflection
is developed after it's opening lines. Nevertheless you could still
return to some of the reflection after the minute of silence and follow
into the prayer time and so forth of the service.
Jesus is risen. Death could not hold him.
In the gospel, Mary sees Jesus standing there, but she did not know that it
was Jesus. Jesus speaks to her saying “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom
are you looking for?" But she does not recognize him.
Jesus is risen. Death could not hold him.
And how about you? Is Jesus speaking to you – but you don’t hear him? Is he
asking to be recognized by you as the Jesus who is alive - the Jesus who is
risen --- but your heart is slow to believe?
Imagine you are at the tomb, the stone is rolled away, and the linen is
there, but no Jesus. You see two angels where his body had been. What do you
You turn around and a man with a loving voice asks you: “Whom are you
looking for?” How do you feel?
What does your heart want to answer?
Take a moment now to listen to your heart: “Whom are you looking for?”
(Silent Moment)
copyright - George Hartwell, 2002
Rev. Richard J. Fairchild - Spirit Networks, 2002 - 2006
please acknowledge the appropriate author if citing these resources.