THEMATIC BACKGROUND from: The Man Born Blind
"The only thing that can hold us back from experiencing the healing
power of God in our lives and moving on from that to showing that power
to others - is our own attachment to blame - our own fondness for
bitterness - our own belief that no-one and no-thing can help us or
our world."
Let’s each of ask God how we have been bound by blaming others and been
bound and blinded by our bitterness toward others. I am going to give you a
minute right now to ask God: "Have I been bound by blaming others? Where
have been bound and blinded by blame?"
Ask God this and get in touch with how you have been bound by blaming others.
Consider this as we take a minute of silence to reflect on this.
(A minute silence. Then continue sermon to the end.)
e.g.: "No one - not the madmen in Africa nor the teenage gangs in
Florida nor our parents, nor our environment, is more powerful
than God as we meet him in Jesus Christ of Galilee.
His love can overcome blindness, his love can bring salvation --
even to a man born blind.
Blessed be God, day by day. Amen."
copyright - George Hartwell, 2002
Rev. Richard J. Fairchild - Spirit Networks, 2002 - 2006
please acknowledge the appropriate author if citing these resources.