THEMATIC BACKGROUND from: Where We Meet God and Where God Meets Us
The ones who do best - are the ones who feel their loss and
express it, the ones who cry and get angry, the ones who really
sense their loss and can talk about it. Always they are
comforted, always - after the days in the tomb - they find new
hope and new life
Blessed are they that mourn.
Similar things can be said about all the beatitudes.
Similar stories can be told.
God meets us in ways we do not expect.
Peace I give you, said Jesus - not as the world gives it do I
give to it you.
We can go to meet God in many special ways and places and that is good
-- but know and celebrate this -- God comes to meet us - in all ways
and in all places. And all he asks us of us as he comes is that we
trust and believe in his name.
In this time of silence I want you to remember that God comes to meet
you with comfort as you express to Him your grief. Jesus would give
you His Peace where you are troubled. In the silence imagine Jesus is
here to listen to you. Silently, tell Him one thing that you are
grieved or troubled about. Be brief. Just tell Him one thing. Then be
still. Let His presence comfort you. Let yourself receive His peace..
… silence … … If you sensed the comfort and peace then thank God.
copyright - George Hartwell, 2002, 2005
Rev. Richard J. Fairchild - Spirit Networks, 2002 - 2006
please acknowledge the appropriate author if citing these resources.