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The following Homily is provided by Friar Sidney as a way of enriching the ministry of the Word as presented through this web site. Friar Sidney, who has spent much of his ministry in India, is currently a Professor of Philosophy in Rome. He can be reached at The texts used by Friar Sydney come from the Roman Lectionary - which in most points agrees with the Revised Common Lectionary. READINGS: Isaiah 22:19-23; Romans 11:33-36; Matthew 16:13-20. INTRODUCTION: In a sense each person is a seat of authority. Let us meditate today on the sense of authority that is invested in each of us. HOMILY: In law circles, authority is most often seen as a legal attribute of a person. It is connected with power. It is the power to legislate, execute or judge an action. In organizations, it is linked with the power to make decisions. In business circles, it is the power to undertake transactions. In our democratic societies, all authority comes from the people. It is exercised for and by the people. Today's readings remind us that all authority comes from God. Is this not an antiquated understanding of authority? Is this not a return to primitive times when people believed that the king was God's representative, or even, that the king descended from God? I do not think that the readings of today are so naive. In fact, these readings are even more profound than whatever we have ever experienced as authority. It is Peter who exercised authority when he said: You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God. Matthew follows this confession of Peter with an explanation of a change in Peter's name as well as Jesus' granting Peter the power to bind and loose in heaven and on earth. Matthew links Peter's authority with the building of Jesus' Church. We see here two profound senses about all authority. First, authority should reveal that we are anointed ones, we are all children of a Living and Triune God. Second, authority should bind and loose. In other words, authority should reveal to us that we are co- redeemers with Christ, the Son of God, of those people entrusted to our stewardship. Authority should reveal to us that we have all one Father in heaven. Authority should awaken us to the one Spirit of God and His action. Further, authority should be excercized in such a way that it forestalls evil and promotes the creative, redemptive and sanctifying role of the individual and of the community. The big problem with us humans, however, is that we see authority as an honour and a power. The big problem is that we often see authority and a source of benefits for ourselves. The big question is whether we merely see authority as a sort of power to lord it over others or do we really see it as being empowered to bring out the divine vocation of each of us? Do we really see authority as an exercise of service for the Kingdom of God? Do we see authority as a means to foster our creative, redemptive and sanctifying role in the way our Trinitarian God is, namely, Creator and Father, Redeemer and Son, Sanctifier and Holy Spirit? Shalom! copyright - Friar Sydney Mascarenhas and Rev. Richard J. Fairchild 1999 - 2005 please acknowledge the appropriate author if citing these sermons.
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