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A Sermons & Sermon - Lectionary Resources Page
-- Richard & Charlene Fairchild --
- From Kir-Shalom to You -
A Very Blessed and Holy Easter Greeting

A Holy Easter: Part I
A Holy Easter: Part II

This site strives to present lectionary and liturgical resources for busy preachers and worship leaders. It also strives to present helpful information on the religious traditions of Easter. There are also secular sites of Easter here. The intention is to be gently inviting; to present a quiet but compelling witness to the faith. There are no other sites online with quite the same focus. However, not everyone will be happy. I've received e-mail from folk who insist that Easter is a pagan holiday. My own view (and that of many others) is that the faith of Christianity is transformative and transcendent. I need not give up my celebration of the Resurrection because of Easter bunnies and Easter eggs - all symbolic of new and abundant life and literally bursting with joy - being associated with paganism. My own understanding of what happened on that "first day of the week" nearly 2,000 years ago, goes deeper, much deeper than bunnies and eggs but does not exclude them. May you be blessed by your visit here. -- Charlene


As you observe a Holy Lent and look forward to Easter Day may the blessings of Discipleship
and Grace Upon Grace from God's rich storehouse be yours!

The church Gif is a pencil sketch of Corinth United Church, Corinth, Ontario
drawn by Bryan Hewitt of Corinth United, 1994. All rights reserved.
Further information on this ministry and the history of "Sermons & Sermon - Lectionary Resources" can be found at our Site FAQ.  This site is now associated with

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